Standing on the shoulders of the great Dr. Ida P. Rolf and her incredible contributions to humanity.
“Go around the problem: get the system sufficiently resilient so that it is able to change, and it will change. It doesn’t have to be forced. It is that forcing that you will have to avoid at all costs”-Dr. Ida P. Rolf

Structural Integration Services
I take a holistic approach to treatment. My training and experience allow me to administer a range of treatments and preventative approaches that are tailored to each individual.

The Soma Neuromuscular Integration ® 11-Series
A systematic rebalancing of the body through targeted manual manipulation of connective tissues that results in a recalibration of your relationship to your body’s center of gravity, improved posture, enhanced mobility, and overall increased vitality. Through manual therapy and movement education, we take aim at unraveling all of your long held issues and get you moving with more ease.
Somassage ®
A full body massage treatment can be a good introduction to the principles of Structural Integration, or a great way to continue cultivating proprioceptive awareness after finishing the Soma® 11-Series

Jonathan Pierce BCSI LMT CSP
I am a structural integrator. I help people align with gravity. I believe a body in balance can heal itself. I learned Soma Neuromuscular Integration® from a small group of incredibly skilled individuals, in a yurt, on a farm, in the foothills of Mt Rainier. Ida Rolf is my hero!

Appointment Times
I’m Here When You Need Me

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Your Questions Answered
What is the Soma Neuromuscular Integration 11-Series ?
For the greatest benefit, Soma Structural Integration® is best experienced as a series of sessions. This consists of 11-sessions that each address a specific part of the body, yet also work to balance the whole. Sessions are generally one to two weeks apart and approximately 1.5 to 2 hours in length. In addition to the actual bodywork, movement re-education, reading materials, journaling and other activities may be used. Furthermore, each session builds on the previous, so completing the 11-session series is important for receiving the most benefit. Often clients will notice changes from one appointment to the next, with their bodies often eager to receive the next session.
Do I need a doctor’s referral?
While there are a few contraindicated conditions, (i.e. acute injury/recent surgery, deep vein thrombosis etc.) the benefits achieved through structural integration are almost universally applicable. When contraindications are present, we will seek the advice of your primary care physician.
What do I wear?
Always mind your comfort level, however generally the recommended dress is the same thing you might wear to go swimming or underwear you’re comfortable being seen in, shorts, and sports bra or tube top for females and bare chest and shorts for males.
Do you accept insurance?
Soon. Insurance credentialing is pending